Word of the Day 每日一字

I go down the slide. 我從溜滑梯上滑下去。

I have fun on the slide. 我喜歡玩溜滑題。

In Taiwan, all schools have professional development sessions for teachers. 台灣所有學校都有老師專業進修的課程。

Teachers learn new skills and strategies during their professional development sessions. 老師在專業進修課程中學習新技能與教學策略。

The students practice playing table tennis.  學生們練習打桌球。

Table tennis is a popular sport in Taiwan.  桌球是台灣流行的運動。

The teacher helps the student tie her apron


The girl wears an apron


The student climbs up. 學生往上攀爬。

The girl climbs over the ladder. 女孩在梯子上爬行。

You need to wear a helmet when you roller-blade


The students practice roller-blading


The students pretend to cook food. 學生們假裝做飯。

The boy pretends to eat. 小男孩假裝吃東西。

The students bring food over to the table. 學生們把食物端到餐桌上。

The boy sits at the table. 小男孩坐在桌子前。

The violin is a string instrument. 小提琴是一種弦樂器。

The students are practicing the violin at school. 同學們在學校練習拉小提琴。

Students love to play basketball during recess. 


A pick-up game is an on-the-spot game for basketball


The Chinese yo-yo is a popular toy many children enjoy. 扯鈴是很受小孩子喜歡的玩具。

The students perform tricks with Chinese yo-yos. 同學們用扯鈴表演特技。

It's important to wash your hands after using the bathroom. 上完廁所後洗手是很重要的。

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water before eating. 確定在吃東西之前要用香皂和水來洗手。

Every day, students sweep away fallen leaves on school grounds. 每天學生打掃校園的落葉。

Students in Taiwan sweep the school grounds, keeping them clean and neat. 台灣的學生打掃校園,保持校園的乾淨整齊。

The students are pedaling.學生們正在騎腳踏車。

You pedal to go forward.你踩著踏板向前行進。

The boys and girls are learning traditional Chinese calligraphy.男孩和女孩正在學習中國傳統書法。

To get good at calligraphy, you have to have a lot of patience!要想練好書法,就得有足夠的耐心!

The Chinese yo-yo was first mentioned in writing during the Ming Dynasty. 扯鈴最早出現在明代的文字記載中。

The students use both arms to control and do tricks with the Chinese yo-yos. 學生們用雙臂控制扯鈴並變戲法。

The students type on the computer.  學生們在電腦上打字。

The students type using a keyboard. 學生們用鍵盤打字。

The students gather for the morning assembly. 學生們集合參加朝會。

The students play music at the morning assembly. 學生們在朝會上演奏音樂。

The kids operate their own flea market at their school. 


They sell second-hand goods at the flea market


The artist makes cute characters out of balloons.


The balloons are all different and beautiful colors. 


A crosswalk is where you can safely cross the street. 斑馬線是可以安全過馬路的地方。

Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk. 在斑馬線上,行人有路權。

The students use special equipment to climb trees


The instructors teach students how to climb the tree safely. 


The students throw balls at each other during the dodgeball game. 


The students get ready to play dodgeball by putting on pads. 同學們穿上護膝準備打躲避球。 

The performers are using wooden drumsticks to beat the drums. 


Each drummer has their own pair of drumsticks
